The method of transference varies according to the person on the receiving end. If the recipient is clairvoyant then they will be able to see what the vibrations are relaying. A psychometric can read the energy of inanimate objects and receive understanding about past events.
Every molecule every atom within us and around us is scurrying about the work of forming life and matter, it’s the vibration of that activity that is detected by the reader. He or she may not be aware of the source of the information. However, that doesn’t interfere with it being a perfect conduit for information otherwise un-detectable.
A psychic reading by Lauren will give you the straightforward facts you need. No Vague answers or Guesswork, just Direct and Powerful insight. Discover what’s going on behind the scenes. Uncover people’s motives and hidden agendas. Learn what your loved one is really planning, doing, and thinking.